
Signups public :3

Signups are now public, Now BEHAVE or they WILL become private again.

Posted on: July 31, 2024 05:23:21

Add ya email!!!

if you add your email to your account, You can be pinged by @username, And can reset your password by email if you forgot it

Posted on: July 31, 2024 05:18:30

API soon™

Currently working on the finishing touches for the api and the documentation, will add a button on the bottom for the api documentation aswell
Some things will be just grabbing files from db/*** while some other things, Like posting from an account through the api or fetching threads will be done through the api
The api is basic and is at api.php, it just uses get requests and parses url paremters like ?action and returns success status or the requested info

Posted on: July 27, 2024 08:28:05

New news page!

uhhh yeah uses db/news.json now!!!
and has a ui on the site itself for admins to add and remove news

Posted on: July 27, 2024 04:29:00